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How to Beat Depression Without Medication – A Joker’s Tale

I used to take medication for my condition. I was even locked up in the hospital once.


But later, I realised that I had no such condition. I was simply living in an environment or conditions that made me what I was: depressed, suffering, in pain.

Why did I stop taking medication for depression?

I was forced to stop the medication for the same reason, i.e., the external conditions/environment. The government stopped supporting such cases, and I was denied my prescription.

I had no choice but to let them go. It happened to me, just like everything else.

I was forced further into the depression, and things worsened without the medication. My life started to fall further apart.

My relationships didn’t work out. My mom got sick and died. I was fired from my job.


It was hell, and I was living right in the middle of it. I wanted to finish it all off and die, end it.

How did I beat depression without medication, even when I was down and out?

Somehow, my life continued. Maybe I didn’t have the guts to finish it. I wanted nature to do it for me…

The time kept passing, and I struggled through it, somehow surviving. It was like I was dragging myself every day.

However, although this dark/heavy energy, the depression, was ripping me apart on the surface, it was also opening me up from the inside. Unconsciously, I was developing a kind of sensitivity toward the movement of energies within my body.

I started to feel the depressive/dark/heavy energy over my chest. I started to notice my thought patterns and their effect on my body.

I started to notice what was happening around and within me. I started to observe…

This was the first time I really started listening. Listening to others, what they are saying, why they are talking, and what they want from me, etc.

This was a kind of surprise because I used to be consumed with my own thoughts and wants all the time. I realised, at this stage, that I never really listened before. I never really observed what was happening to me. I was blocked by the society, by the conditioning, by the social pressures…

I wrote down my own thoughts, feelings and fears. I wrote down what I wanted to do. I wrote down many jokes at the time, which became a hit later.


That was the time when I found out that the whole system was false. It was the system that taught me that I had a condition. It was the system that taught me what I am, what I should do, what I should wear, how I should live, etc.

The system decided what was right and wrong for me. The system ripped me apart by telling me I was not acceptable until I followed those morons.

And I gave up. I gave up and stood up for myself. I understood that I am what I am, and no one can stop me from existing the way I am.

I noticed that I have everything within me, and it has the ability to function as brilliantly as anybody else.

They didn’t like me then and still don’t like me. We are always unacceptable to the status quo until we become one of them.

But I started loving myself more and more. I realised I didn’t need any form of their medications or their value system.

I am a free man, which nature has created. I am as beautiful as the stars out there. Like the sun, I rise, and I fall. And there is nothing wrong with me.

Top 5 things you can do to beat depression without medication;

You should certainly consult a physician or a psychiatrist (a professional) if you are not well and need help with depression or any such thing. You should also talk to your dear ones about your problem; this will help.

Here are the things you can do to manage your depressed state without needing to take the medications;

1. Go out there and explore the nature;

  • Go out for tracking in the mountains. Meet new people. Spend time with yourself
  • Exercise. Play physical games. Allow your energy to be consumed by engaging yourself with physical things
  • Just enjoy yourself and take out the things that are suppressed in you. Allow all your energies to express themselves.

2. Start something new in your life;

  • Develop a new relationship, business, friends, etc. Something you really wanted to do. Don’t worry about anything else; you know the people who give you all the do’s and don’t
  • Keep going with whatever you think is appropriate. When fearful thoughts come, know that this is the only thing you can do and want to do at this time. “F” everything else.

3. Write down what you want in life

  • Write down all your thoughts, whatever comes into your mind during the day
  • Write down all your fears. Write down everything that you are concerned about. And I mean everything!
  • Write down all your desires: what would make you happy, what you want, etc.
  • Keep writing until there is nothing left!

4. Observe what is happening around you (meditate/pray)

  • Keenly observe what is happening around you. Listen!
  • Observe yourself; your actions, feelings, thoughts, and how they operate, etc.
  • Meditate. Pray. Talk to the creator. Cry. Surrender.
  • Try and understand what life is and know you have no choice but to accept it the way it is.

5. Know clearly what you want and work for it

  • Think about precisely what you want. Use your intellect to get what you want.
  • Keep going with life. Like everything else, your life has ups and downs. Know that things will improve in time. Everything changes in nature, and so will your life.
  • If you know what you want, your specific intention and the energy in your desire will affect the environment (internal + external) in ways you can’t imagine at this stage. But it will happen. Just keep working on it, and you shall see how it unfolds
  • Know that there is no guarantee in life. Accept this nature of existence and keep going. You have no other choice.

Good luck clowns!

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