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Why Do I Feel Unhappy?

Why Do I Feel Unhappy? | Explore The Root Cause and Resolve This Problem Once and For All.

Am I a victim of unhappiness?

Amid our busy and often challenging lives, it’s common to ponder the question, “Why do I feel unhappy?”

Maybe your life isn’t as good as you would like it to be. Maybe it feels as if a dark shadow is following you everywhere.

Almost every one of us feels unhappy in various stages of our lives. This article will help us understand why we are not happy in life and how we can overturn this feeling into something useful in our day-to-day lives.

What is Unhappiness?

This complex and deeply personal question has baffled humans for centuries. In the pursuit of happiness, many of us find ourselves struggling with moments of sadness and discontentment.

And as the discontent continues, we stop enjoying our lives.  

Life feels heavy, like a burden, and we drag ourselves into performing our day-to-day activities, and we don’t find passion for it anymore.

Feeling unhappy can be a perplexing and challenging experience. It affects various aspects of our lives, including;

  • Work-life – your performance goes down.
  • Social Life– you start to lose interest in the society.
  • Health – it gets awkward. You start looking dull and out of balance.

Here are some common causes of unhappiness. Let’s explore!

Top 3 reasons why you feel unhappy in life;

1. The Pursuit of Permanent Happiness

You could have everything in life: a good family, financial status, a good career, etc., yet you feel unhappy most of the time. Why?

This is because the permanence of any form of emotion does not exist. Happiness is an emotion that has a limited lifespan, and it is influenced by various internal and external factors. So, there is no permeance in any state of being, whether it is happiness or its counterpart; they co-exist.

People get happy when they get what they want. Sometimes things like a paycheque, a nice dress, or even a smile make people happy.

Other times, they don’t get what they want. They face problems. Maybe there is a lack of money, or love, or passion for life, or whatever it is, the lack/void makes them unhappy.

The pursuit of permanent happiness means that you are still looking for something that will make you happy in the future.

In other words, in the pursuit of permanent happiness (as a goal to achieve in future), you remain unhappy and struggling in the present moment.

You put in a lot of effort to achieve this goal, and the funny part is that permanent happiness does not even exist. Effort is a resistive form of energy, which is not in harmony with the natural flow of life. Nature flows, there is no effort in it.

2. Following perfection (which does not exist)

You want to be perfect. You want everything else to be perfect too.

You want to be a high achiever. You have unfulfilled goals that you wish to achieve in the future…

Society has set the perfect standards, the ideals, which you are unconsciously demanded to pursue (through years of conditioning).

And this very thing makes your current state of being unacceptable to yourself. And this very thing, this lack in you, makes you unhappy.

You are not complete yet, are you? It’s a product in making, according to the society, the system.

3. Struggling Work-Life

You don’t enjoy your work. Maybe you feel that you are forced to earn money and you are fed up with it.

Or you feel that you should make much more money and don’t have enough right now.

Or you have career or financial insecurities that create fear of survival in you. That doesn’t make you happy, does it?

Top 3 ideas that can help you get out of the unhappy state

1. Accept the Imperfect you

Perfection is an idea. An idea based on your conditioning, which has been taught to you. What you should be, what you should not be, what is right for you, what is not, etc. You know, the system, the society tells us all that. It builds up this identity in you.

Let this egoic identity go and accept how nature has perfected your being. It took 13.7 billion years ago (from the Big Bang) to create what you are right now

Nature has already perfected this organism which you call you. And it is one of a kind, isn’t it?

2. Do what you like, and do it well

There is extraordinary intelligence in you. It’s the same intelligence that caused the Big Bang, that created you, me and everything around us.

So why not trust it and do what you feel like doing, and do it well?

Enjoy your life and respect yourself, your creation. And, of course, if you respect yourself, you will also respect what you do.

We do not do anything significant in life (and we hate ourselves for it) because we doubt ourselves. We don’t trust our natural instincts and intelligence.

We love our memories, our conditioning, and the ideas that others have given us about ourselves. We listen to those who know nothing about the nature of their own existence, who themselves have failed to build a sustainable world.

Would you rather trust what has created you and me, or those who tell you not to be your true self?

3. Let go of the steering wheel – you are not supposed to control everything

Let the things be as they are. Everything that you see is a product of a greater intelligence. You have no role to play in its existence.

You can never control human beings, nor can you control how things will unfold in the external environment.

Let things be as they are. You are no different from anything else out there. The same energy that operates in them also operates in you, only the conditioning is different.

So, what is there to be unhappy about? You are in the midst of this magical creation, this space-time-based real life, so why not take a ride?

You will do your best when you are yourself!

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