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Why Am I Not in Peace?

I am restless. My life is a struggle. I am not internally peaceful.  

My mind is always in a state of thinking, struggling with one thing or another…

Is that how it feels inside your mind?

If you want peace and are tired of vicious thinking patterns, this article will help you get there.

Let us first look at the reasons why you could be feeling the restlessness in you.


1. You are an overthinker

You are a compulsive thinker who thinks all the time. You want so many things, or you want to control so many things. All this makes your thoughts very complicated.

2. You are discontent

You are not peaceful because you want to be something other than what you are.

Or you feel that you are not enough. You are not happy with yourself or with the things you have. It could be issues related to money, relationships, personal development, etc.

Or maybe you expect more out of yourself, which makes you feel restless.

Are you looking for enlightenment, which you aren’t getting?

Or is there something else you need?

3. You want to satisfy others all the time

You are burdened by the society. You are unable to meet all the demands of the society. You always have to be doing something or the other to meet society’s (the other people’s) expectations.

We are social animals and must live according to the requirements and expectations of people around us.

But can you keep others happy all the time?

4. You are not sure what you really want

What makes you happy? Is there anything you need to become peaceful? What is it that you are missing or lacking? 

It could be that you are not sure what precisely you need to remain in a peaceful state of mind. You are not sure, are you?

5. You are afraid

You are afraid of the future. You are not sure how things might turn out for you.

There is no certainty in life, which makes you feel uncomfortable. 

Or you are not satisfied with your past. Is there fear in you?

6. People have disappointed you so many times

Do you struggle to deal with the people around you?

They often make you uncomfortable, or you are disappointed/hurt. You don’t understand the cruelty, hypocrisy, or selfishness of the society at large.

As the Joker said,

“They think that we’ll just sit there and take it, like good little boys. That we won’t werewolf and go wild!”

7. You don’t understand Life.

You do not understand the reality of anything. You want to know more and more about yourself and the life around you in which you have failed.

Are you confused about the whole thing? The world, the nature, the existence?

Do you ask yourself why you are here, were born, or maybe who God is, etc.?

Whatever that is, the bottom line is that you are not at peace and cannot escape this reality.


Here is what you must consider if you want peace around and within yourself;

1. You are what you are. Accept it!

You are a magnificent being/creation.

All form energies that operate within you, whether it is a feeling such as fear, pleasure, pain, happiness, etc., or your past conditioning, all this is a part of you.

The less you interfere with all these energies, the more settled and peaceful you will feel.

Simply let it flow. You don’t have to do anything to be yourself.

2. Life is a journey with ups and downs. Embrace it!

What do you do on a journey? Suffer it or enjoy it?

Know that life is a movement. At times, you will feel peaceful. Other times, not so much.

And it is fine. There cannot be one without the other in life’s journey.

The opposites are inevitable!

3. People will always be complicated. Let them be!

You will never be able to satisfy everyone, and there is no need.

 So, take it easy on yourself and allow others to be what they are. Allow life to be what it is.

4. You have everything that you need. Trust it!

You have everything you need within yourself to live a comfortable life (your body, intelligence, etc.). Everything!  

Trust the nature of yourself. You are unique and unparalleled. This is not a false statement but a fact. Everything nature produces is unique in its way.  

Trust the magnificence of your nature, of yourself, of exitance, of God.

5. Appreciate whatever comes your way in life. Be confident!

Things come and go. All things come from the source of life that is beyond your imagination. Know that its intelligence is beyond your thinking capabilities.  

Life runs its own course, and you cannot fight a battle against nature or existence.

6. Stop fighting with yourself. Be in your natural state!

You don’t need to change anything or run away from your current state of being.

Your existence already has extraordinary peace, and you don’t have to do anything special to access it (and become peaceful). It’s already there.

7. Die to all expectations. Say no to ego!

Die to all your opinions and expectations. Just be here with what you have.

Trust your instincts, your natural intelligence, which is here and now.

You don’t have to be happy all the time. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. You don’t have to be peaceful all the time.

Apart from the self-claimed Gurus in the marketplace, have you ever seen a person who is peaceful all the time? There is none!

Allow the thoughts to run their own course. As Rumi said;

Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being.”

8. Life is strange. Life is Beautiful!

Know that life is too complicated to grasp, i.e., the thought, the you, will never be able to understand what life is. So don’t burden yourself constantly by trying to understand this magic.

Use your intelligence to attain whatever you want and navigate in life.

This creation, this exitance, this happening, this you, is no less than magic.

Open your eyes and see the kind of magic the existence (God) has brought before you. Isn’t it mind-boggling?

If you are not peaceful, there is a reason for it. It allows you to see that you are not in harmony with the life around you.

Maybe it begs you to stop the nonsense and let the existence take you over.  You don’t have to be concerned while the existence is at work, do you?

The Joker realized that the whole society, which he called the system, was false. It is based on intellect limited to personal perspective and interests. So he rebelled and started dancing!

You are an expression of this magnificent universal intelligence. What else do you need?


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