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Why Am I So Stupid

Why am I so stupid? Why can’t I grow up and stop making mistakes?

What’s wrong with me?

I have low self-esteem. I am insecure.

I am not acceptable to society; they want me to be better…

I want myself to be better. I want to prove to myself that I can do it; I can be like them, confident and proud.

If you have these thoughts in mind, then I have some good news for you.

You are not stupid at all. This article will prove that you are as brilliant as anyone else.

You are just unlucky to land here in a challenging environment.

Let us first start with why you are having such thoughts;

Why do I feel that I am stupid? Top 4 reasons;

1. You have a low self-esteem

You have a low self-esteem. You don’t really respect yourself.

You have lost many battles in life. You have lost many opportunities. You feel it’s tough out there. You have lost the confidence in yourself and maybe in the world out there.

Or you take drugs or something to forget yourself for a little while…

You are unaware of your capabilities, what you truly are, and what you can do.

You have been pressured so much by society that you have kind of lost track.

Is that not true?

2. You have insecurity issues

You think all the time, one thing after another. You want to make it to the end of the tunnel.

But you are not sure how you can perform the best, how you can do good, how you improve yourself…

You are insecure, i.e., afraid of the future. And you hate your past. What’s there to like, you ask…

Just because you are afraid, you make a lot of mistakes. You don’t follow what is required.

You are not operating at your best.

Are you?

3. The social pressure (expectations) has weighed you down

The people around you expect a lot from you. They want to see you as a brilliant, shining star.

But you are not that. You are just you, who makes a lot of mistakes and has failed to fulfil the expected high standard of society.

You have to do so much to fit into society, and you often fail, maybe because you are not as clever as the others out there, and thus you feel a little stupid.

4. You don’t have the knowledge and the conducive environment

You don’t have the knowledge or the training/conditioning in whatever field you want to excel. Or maybe you just don’t have the interest or the energy to excel because you are kind of trapped in thoughts.

Or you don’t have a very sharp intellect.

Or the environment is such that you have not been able to excel as per society’s expectations.

You are not as lucky as many others who were born in a comforting/conducive environment where they learned the art of being cunning enough to get whatever they want in life.

How can I stop this nonsense? Top 4 recommendations;

1. Know thyself, who you are

You are as human as anybody else. You are no different from anyone else.

You have a brilliant intellect; you can read, understand, learn, and make logic-based decisions.

The process of evolution took billions of years to create this magnificent species, which is you!

However, at the same time, you are a product of the society. Years of conditioning have shaped your personality. And you had no choice in the making of yourself. You could not choose where and when you would be born and how life would unfold.

So, there is no point in cursing you for what you are. Everyone makes mistakes, and it is absolutely fine!

2. Let go of fears and own yourself

When you are yourself, you feel grounded, and you own yourself.

You own all your mistakes. You own your luck. And you are not afraid because you are one with nature, with everything around you.

You feel confident. You learn. You follow what you want.

Your thoughts are clear. You make the right decisions based on the data you have.

You start loving what you are.

You don’t mind other people’s opinions because you know that they can never be you. You are following your life, and they are following their own.

3. Trust your natural intelligence

This is the only tool you have: this intellect, this mind. So, however sharp you think your mind is, trust it.

It is far more intelligent than you can ever imagine. You have been resisting natural intelligence by burdening it with so many unnecessary things.

Lighten yourself up and see how your intelligence will start to improve – you will be surprised. You will notice it for yourself.

Your mind has all the capabilities it needs to survive in this world.

Trust your being!

4. Life keeps getting easy as you keep moving…

Lise is not easy. There are so many challenges in life.

It may be difficult for you at this time. But just keep moving and have patience.

Things will soon start making more sense. Soon, spring will come, and you won’t feel so stupid anymore!

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