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Why Do I Feel Down for No Reason

I didn’t know what it was, but I used to feel down all the time without any specific reason.

My energy was low; nothing really excited me, and I didn’t want to do anything.

It felt like I was burdened with some form of dark energy that was pulling me down for no reason.

I wasn’t really happy at the time. I was slightly sad even though things around me were quite normal. I didn’t know what I wanted…

At first, I didn’t get it, but since my transformation, I now know exactly what it was. People call it depression. But I call it the mourning of separation from existence.

Here are the fundamental reasons why I felt down without knowing the precise reason for it;

Tops 3 reasons why I felt down for no reason;

There is no purpose in life:

We are sad people. We feel down because we often don’t find a reason to get excited and live a passionate life.

We don’t understand our purpose in life.

Lack of engagement with society:

We don’t get the norms of society. It’s far too complicated and tiring!

People always expect one thing or the other from us, and we can’t really make them feel satisfied all the time.

Past Hurts:

  1. There might have been things that happened in the past that are still bothering you unconsciously. This was certainly true in my case, as I had a troubled childhood.

The world is not fair, and this very fact deprives us of the energy we need to function optimally in day-to-day life.

But how did I get out of this feeling-down situation? Here is how;

Tops 3 ways to stop feeling down for no reason and live a passionate life;

1. Trust your life:

Life is strange; it seems unfair at times and generous at other times. But there is nothing else out there but this: what we live today.

Life has no purpose other than to live it fully for as long as it lasts.

2. Flow with your challenges:

To do big things, you need a lot of energy. And when you see that it is not worth the effort, you start feeling down.

However, if you know that all the challenges in life come and go, like a river flowing through sharp turns, it keeps going on.

So, don’t burden yourself with thinking too much about the challenges in life. Keep going and notice/observe how things come and go right in front of you, like a dance of energy, which is existence itself.

3. Notice the magnificence of your existence:

We often feel down for no reason because we often don’t see the beauty in what is happening around us.

Have you ever really observed the movements of kids? Their actions? Their energy? How do they become completely immersed in whatever they do, not thinking of the past or the future? How energetic/passionate they are?

On the other hand, we, the adults, have opinions/thoughts about everything. We judge everything. We always want things to be in a certain way.

We are always thinking about what is happening instead of being present with the happening itself.

Life is existential. It is here in the present moment. It is not happening ‘in the past’, nor will it happen in the future.

It is here now…and is not magnificent?

The life itself…is not glorious?

Is it not a miracle…unfolding right in front of you?

When you know how magnificent life is, you will naturally develop a sense of passion for it.

You would want to love it, enjoy it, dance with it, or be with it while it lasts.

And unconsciously, the feeling of being down for no reason will dissolve in the beauty of life itself; it will be consumed by it.

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